HKEX Stock Code: 00212
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Corporate Information
Company Name Nanyang Holdings Limited
HKEx Stock Code 212
Principal Activity Investment Holding
Board of Directors
Mr. Nicholas Timothy James Colfer (Chairman and Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr. Lincoln C.K. Yung, JP, FHKIB (Managing Director)
Mr. Robert Tsai To Sze (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Mr. John Con-sing Yung (Non-Executive Director)
Mr. Wong Chi Kwong Patrick (Independent Non-Executive Director)
Ms. Jennie Chen (Assistant Managing Director and Financial Controller)
Principal Office Room 1808, St George's Building
2 Ice House Street
Hong Kong
Place Incorporated Bermuda
Company Secretary Mr. Lee Sheung Yee
Principal Share Registrar and Transfer Agent Ocorian Management (Bermuda) Limited
Victoria Place, 5th Floor
31 Victoria Street
Hamilton HM 10
Branch Share Registrar and Registration Office Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited
Shops 1712-16, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre,
183 Queen's Road East
Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Auditors PricewaterhouseCoopers
22/F, Prince's Building
Central, Hong Kong
Bankers The Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd
Shanghai Commercial Bank Ltd
Solicitors Mayer Brown
Listing Date 15 September 1954
Trading Currency HKD
Authorised Shares 60,000,000
Issued Shares 33,967,738
Par Value HKD 0.1000
Board Lot 500
Financial Year End Date 31 December